Hope you React fans are excited for this one! We were so lucky to have Dan Abramov on for a stop during his mock interview loop :) If you don't already follow him, fix that! He's been streaming on Youtube more so be sure to sub there!! Dan's Twitter - https://twitter.com/dan_abramov Dan's Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/danabramov8 If you like this and are interested in more web dev, React, javascript, typescript, next.js, full stack or other engineering topics, subscribe and follow me on Twitter and Twitch 🙏 https://twitter.com/t3dotgg https://www.twitch.tv/theo -- Interview Guide (Sent to Dan ahead of interview) - https://www.notion.so/t3-tools/Technical-Interview-Dan-Abramov-9aa6d8e9292e4bd1ae67b44aeeaabf88 Show proudly powered by Round (I built this) - https://round.t3.gg -- Show notes 00:00 - Intro 00:49 - Interview Begins 02:57 - Theo Rants About Interview Philosophy 05:20 - First Question (non-technical) 17:50 - Code Problem Intro + Clarification 21:50 - Part 1: Coding Chat UI + State 29:40 - Part 2: Colorblind Mode (Deeper State Management) 34:30 - Part 3: Auto-scroll 41:55 - Part 4: Send Message (Backend Borked 😅) 57:00 - Part 5: Emoji auto-replacement (CodeSandbox Borked 😅) 1:13:35 - Wrapup #react #javascript #fullstack #webdev #interviews